
UI/UX Design

UX interaction
Web interfaces
Mobile interfaces
Dynamic prototype
Usability testing
A/B testing

Web Design

Website design
Application design
Banner design

QA Testing

Manual testing
Selenium testing
Load testing
Security testing


We provide consulting services in the development of modern web and mobile solutions.

Development using React

Our experts create and maintain large sites based on React. This technology has been the development trend in the last couple of years both in the world and in our company.

Despite the fact that it is more a library than a framework, it stands behind the user interface of Facebook and Instagram, showing its effectiveness inside dynamic applications with high traffic (bandwidth).

It is the fastest growing JS framework with about 1,000 Github authors. In MVC (Model-View-Controller), the React model acts as a “V” and can be easily integrated into any architecture. Using a virtual DOM tree, it provides greater performance gains. In addition to this, React components can be created and reused in other applications or even transferred for public use.

React makes application development simple and easy to understand. In addition, it can be ideal for complex, impressive software solutions with a high degree of load. This library is developed and maintained by Facebook. React is also used in Airbnb, Uber, Netflix, Twitter, and many other large projects.

Benefits of development with React:

Absolute separation of data from their presentation

React gives a little more than just a representative level. Despite the fact that React components have the concept of state, they are more suitable for short-term storage.

DOM binding doesn’t bother us

If in the last 5 years you have already written some kind of front-end component with/without the framework, you must understand all the complexities of the DOM elements functionality. Despite the fact that React solves this issue as well, it is divided into several code areas on the basis of the sole responsibility principle.

React is not a framework

React is a library that provides a declarative method for defining UI components. React DOM is an associated library that provides rendering and DOM diffing. Redux is a library that provides data storage, and React-Redux connects React and Redux.

You can view the projects based on this technology in our portfolio.

We have a lot of big projects with constant support. Please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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240 Richmond Street W
Toronto ON M5V 1V6
+1 (647) 946-92-12


3524 Silverside Road
35B, Wilmington,
Delaware 19810-4929
+1 (929) 237-12-11


23 Dmytra Bortnyans'koho St.,
Lviv 79039
+380 (44) 389-90-39

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, SECL Group Corporation