
UI/UX Design

UX interaction
Web interfaces
Mobile interfaces
Dynamic prototype
Usability testing
A/B testing

Web Design

Website design
Application design
Banner design

QA Testing

Manual testing
Selenium testing
Load testing
Security testing


We provide consulting services in the development of modern web and mobile solutions.

Development of websites and applications with Laravel

We, the SECL Group company, are among those who know how to develop and maintain large sites and applications based on Laravel framework.

Some facts about the Laravel framework:

1. Easy to learn. Most of the framework capabilities are well documented, there are both English versions of the documentation and translations in many languages. The framework contains many good solutions that are very easy to use for own purposes.

2. Uses Composer. Composer is a dependency manager that makes it very easy and convenient to load the libraries you need. All modules are fully distributed under an open license, written and tested by many enthusiasts from around the world, and contain many excellent solutions that you can safely modify for your needs. Also, libraries’ versions are always automatically updated, and this does not affect the performance of your system. And if it does, it is an advantage 🙂

3. Regularly releases new versions. New versions of this framework are released about every six months. Companies just started using Laravel 5, but recently version 5.1 went live, where the shortcomings of the previous release have been fixed.

4. Eloquent ORM or object-relational mapping. This technology is based on the connection of database tables with models of object-oriented programming languages. It creates its own “virtual object database”. The use of this approach is very convenient for several reasons:

1) It does not matter which DBMS processes the request: MySQL or PostgreSQL. The developer works with the entity, and not with the database. At any time, if there is a need, you can change the DBMS without interfering with the code.

2) A very convenient mapping system between two or more entities. The built-in functionality is used without any unnecessary trouble. You only need to trigger a function that is responsible for a certain type of connection, indicate the entity and additional parameters, if necessary.

3) Most of the functionality for working with data is already available. If you need to expand some features, it is easy to do that.

5. The speed of the application. Laravel supports a unified API for using various caching systems. You can configure the cache using the app/config / cache.php file. You can set up a convenient caching system. By default, Laravel has systems like Memcached and Redis that are most often used by developers.

6. Security. CSRF protection. By default, Laravel provides protection of your application against forgery of cross-site requests (CSRF) using CSRF tokens. If you use the Form class to generate your form, then the CSRF key is inserted automatically, otherwise, you need to insert the following code: After each request other than GET-type, there is a check for matching the keys, and if the key does not match, the user will not be allowed to take action.

7. Encryption. Laravel provides the ability to securely encrypt data using the AES algorithm, which uses the mcrypt extension for PHP.

You can review the examples of projects built with PHP (Laravel Framework) and the company’s portfolio on the page with our works. Sample code may also be provided upon customer request.

Need a consultation? Contact us and we are ready to help!

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240 Richmond Street W
Toronto ON M5V 1V6
+1 (647) 946-92-12


3524 Silverside Road
35B, Wilmington,
Delaware 19810-4929
+1 (929) 237-12-11


23 Dmytra Bortnyans'koho St.,
Lviv 79039
+380 (44) 389-90-39

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, SECL Group Corporation